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In the trenches......
Pictures of the Band!
Even MORE pictures AND Jim!


The name derives from the role of ‘Speckled Jim’ in Blackadder Goes Forth. Episode three… ‘Corporal Punishment’…

Edmund Blackadder shoots the delicious plump breasted pigeon, the only childhood friend of Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchette. (which he raised from a chick when he was a nipper!!)

Alan…’Lieutenant The Hon George Colthurst St Barleigh’... (Bass & Vocals) ‘With a ying and a yang and a yipperdy doo’. As young George in Speckled Jim he has to rely heavily on plenty of ‘mindless optimism’. As the real Alan he’s been around and gigging on bass and guitar with loads of the best ‘musos’ in the region. Now a fulltime ‘pro’ and solo artist he prides himself in driving that old bass and giving a raw full blooded edge to the vocals. So it’s no more ‘tiddly winking’ or ‘leap frogging pony club antics’ for George just fast and furious rhythm.
Chris Gray…’Private Baldrick’ … (Drums) … Also known as Amstel Man the super hero who could out drink Crete & Australia. As Baldrick in ‘Speckled Jim’ he is responsible for all the ‘cunning plans’ and can write poetry too ...BOOM BOOM BOOM. Officially recognised as the 87th Beatle he has played in 36 different bands all over the Cosmos, never once stopping to ‘visit the planet Earth’ … Seriously though, Baldrick is a brilliant Drummer as well as a great Video and Recording Producer……. Have a look and listen to the tracks on Speckled Jim’s promo CD.
David… ‘General Sir Anthony Cecil Hogmanay Melchette’ (Guitar & Vocals) Basically a git. David ran away from home to join the circus as a dwarf (he lied about his height). He now designs schools for a living and so is probably to blame for everything. Author of the bestselling self-abuse technique book 'Fifty Ways To Love Your Lever', he collects fat and loses hair at roughly the same rate and has just achieved his ambition to play in a band named after a dead pigeon.
Jann… ‘Private Bob Parkhurst’ … (Tenor & Alto Saxes & Vocals) As Bob, (a girl amongst the boys in Speckled Jim) she has learned to f..t in bed and knows all the rules of cricket!!! as well as sing and play sax. For years she has been known as ‘Stix’ (check out the legs!!!). Now she’s working on the ‘plump breasted’ bits. Bob has also wanted to know how a web site is designed, so badly…….that she has taken time out of the trenches to fashion this one from 6 metres of Hungarian crushed-velvet curtain material and a ha’peth of chips.
Michael Robbins… ’Captain Edmund Blackadder’ (Keyboard, Slide Guitar and Vocals) Michael didn’t so much cut his teeth on the piano, as break them. As a teenager he tried to bite the lid in frustration when he kept playing wrong notes. However, he persevered, and has since had the privilege of playing with some of the best people on the Norfolk blues scene. His keyboard heroes are the old blues pianists of the 20’s and 30’s, Paul Griffin (Dylan’s piano player on many of those classic 60’s tracks), and Steve Nieve, of Elvis Costello’s Attractions. Oh, and Mavis Beacon, whose typing course was an inspiration. Speckled Jim simply gives him the chance to play some of his favourite songs before he gets too senile to remember them.